Making passive income with a blog, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without too much effort to maintain it is very possible. However, it is not that simple just creating a blog that provides easy money. You must find a niche to succeed in while writing your blog and start a facebook page with your keywords.
Blogs are a great way to build relationships with readers, in terms of content, the less interesting your content in your blog is, it will lower the possibility of your blog to attract loyal readers coming back to read what is written. Start with what you are passionate. This will give you the enthusiasm to write about what you like, you will not fail to write good content, if something interests you very much, make sure that it is valuable information that will benefit both players. So find a way to do this and let your content be attractive, appealing to a global audience. If you have difficulty, finding what you should write in your blog, find a blog about writing, you can also consider getting help from bloggers in your target niche. You will find many links to topics about profitable niches in a short period of time once you aim for long tail keywords.
But just getting traffic to those, and just starting with a blog can be a challenge, but you can use blog forums as a means of an easy start to get links, traffic and seo tips, and it is free to use. When people will increasingly start to visiting your blog, and you win more expertise in your niche, by adding more content to your blog
then it will finally pay off, and satisfy most search engines. Add ads to your blog, then you will be able to produce a good passive income.
Remember that you need to keep adding more content to your blog, and you need to develop an archive of content that rounds up most all subjects in your niche, and then your blog can result in becoming a passive income for you in the future.
Then share it with all your friends on facebook, like we do HERE:
Blogs are a great way to build relationships with readers, in terms of content, the less interesting your content in your blog is, it will lower the possibility of your blog to attract loyal readers coming back to read what is written. Start with what you are passionate. This will give you the enthusiasm to write about what you like, you will not fail to write good content, if something interests you very much, make sure that it is valuable information that will benefit both players. So find a way to do this and let your content be attractive, appealing to a global audience. If you have difficulty, finding what you should write in your blog, find a blog about writing, you can also consider getting help from bloggers in your target niche. You will find many links to topics about profitable niches in a short period of time once you aim for long tail keywords.
But just getting traffic to those, and just starting with a blog can be a challenge, but you can use blog forums as a means of an easy start to get links, traffic and seo tips, and it is free to use. When people will increasingly start to visiting your blog, and you win more expertise in your niche, by adding more content to your blog
then it will finally pay off, and satisfy most search engines. Add ads to your blog, then you will be able to produce a good passive income.
Remember that you need to keep adding more content to your blog, and you need to develop an archive of content that rounds up most all subjects in your niche, and then your blog can result in becoming a passive income for you in the future.
Then share it with all your friends on facebook, like we do HERE:
To me passive income is the “holy grail” so to speak. I can work on MY TERMS and my efforts and epic successes are mine to celebrate. When something goes right I get income generated regularly without any effort. Only effort is (if any) needed at the beginning, when you setup.