Seo Tips for Blogs

Seo Tips for Blogs

On your journey to writing in a successful blog, a blog that will make you some passive income, you will encounter challenges. Some of these will be SEO.

What is SEO? SEO is an acronym, that stands for Search Engine Optimization. Im hoping you know that Google is a search engine. Optimization basically means making it simple for Google to know:
  • what you are mainly talking about on your blog.
  • what your article is about.
  • what your content really says. 
If you can always answer these questions easily after every time you write an article, After every time you think of a Title for a blog, and after every time you finished a description or list, you are on your way to successful blogging.

Search Engine Optimization tips for new bloggers. Don't try to hard. start with the basics: Get a blogging platform like Wordpress or Blogger Blogspot by google, that is built from the ground up to focus on your writing. Remember: you cant trick google anymore, you can hire the best code experts, programmers, scripts tricks and never even get close to any readers radar if you don't focus on these 3 things:
  • Content
  • Then the content of your blog
  • And last but not least: some more content!
Learn about SEO as you go.One of my favorite blogs for you, since we choose the Blogger vs Wordpress, is Follow

Internet marketing. Marketing you blog is like Real Estate, where you heard the 3 rules: Location, Location, and Location. What do you think it is for us bloggers? You guessed it: Quality content people have an ease to read. Keep it simple. A Lot of Content so that people will feel they can learn a lot and you will be an expert in your field. Then, Content that people can find easily, use Trends, Social Media, Famous people, Important Events and other things people mention. Incorporate them in your titles, domain names, posts and content.

Now go on and improve your Google rankings and let me know of other Seo tips, that a BEGINNING blogger should know about. (no codes or backlinks tricks)

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