Google said they May Release a Disavow Tool, Should I Use This, would it not be easier than removing links?

You have to think of things this way, in our previous article marketing post, the new penguin beating formula, we told you that Google only release certain products to get more data. Now imagine they released this disavow tool in to webmaster tools, then everyone would flock to their link profile and start hitting disavow on links that are passing power.

We think the problem with SEO these days is we have a new generation of SEOs being influenced by what Google say. Google do not want you to manipulate their rankings in any way so they will mis guide us in any way they can.

The sooner people understand good Article Marketing and that Google is not your friend the better.

If you want your site or blog to rank well, and to start making passive income, then listening to Google is not going to get you anywhere fast (We have seen people flocking like birds in a tornado to remove links from their backlink profile! Seriously it absoluteley astounds us that this is happening, an algothirm does not work like a human it does not say ohh dear you still have a link here and here therefore no rankings for you, it works on mathematical equations and Penguin is an algothirm not manual intervention, so by feeding the algothirm the correct numbers (Yes maths is a numbers game.. Suprise! :-)) you are going to slowly gain your rankings back.

Its only when you have been silly enough to submit a reinclusion request Google will probably slap you with a manual penalty and then you better start cleaning up them links.

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