Google Says Remove Links, Does Removing The Links Help?

From our analysis in the Penguin Beating Forumla, it absolutely does not help to remove links.

It has not helped in the slightest way, and we have not seen one success story so far where removing the links restored rankings to their former positions, this is because of 2 reasons:

  • Google manually deindexed some of the sites in networks so its more than likely those links they "know" about have already been devalued. Google are just making people try to remove links so they see how tedious it is and they never undertake link building again.
  • The links they have not "not de valued" you are going to be removing, so you have not only lost power from the devalued links but you are removing the ones that are actually still passing some weight.
How would this in any way help your rankings? If your rankings have only ever been artificially inflated (Yes thats what any link building is! Whether its guest posting or creating info graphics you are still trying to manipulate the SERPs) then removing all your links will just put you back to the beginning. Google is an algothirm; they work things out on mathematic equations, so anything that sticks out like a sore thumb is easy to build a formula for, and figuring this out, is one of the only ways if you plan on having some passive income eventually.

Removing links is not the solution, keep your article marketing strategy clean and honnest, and you will be able to reindex your site like it was meant to be done in the first place.

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